FPC (Factory Production Control) - certification according to NEN-EN 1090-1, Execution class 4. This standard describes the requirements set for determining whether product characteristics meet certain conditions/performance characteristics.
FPC (Factory Production Control) - certification according to NEN-EN 1090-1, Execution class 4. This standard describes the requirements set for determining whether product characteristics meet certain conditions/performance characteristics.
This has to do with the CE marking obligation in force since 1 July 2014 for building products such as steel structures for buildings, bridges, platforms, silos and the like as supplied to the European market.
Four so-called execution classes (from EXC1 to EXC4) are specified in the standard. These are related to the risks associated with certain categories of structure and the consequences of their possible failure. For example, the combination of risk and consequences of the possible collapse of a simple storehouse without floors in which people are sporadically present differs significantly from such a combination for a football stadium where thousands of people may be in the stands or under the roof. The rigour of the execution classes increases from EXC1 to EXC4.